
Guy Maybon
Guy Maybon

1979Technogenia was founded by Guy Maybon, an ESC engineer, in Seynod, France

1981 : Beginning of fused tungsten carbide production using high-temperature induction furnace synthesis at 2,750°C.

1983 : Beginning of research on tungsten carbide fusion using the cold crucible process with electromagnetic levitation.

1985 : Relocation to a new plant in Saint-Jorioz, France. Technodur® patents are filed.

1986 : Implementation of the “Cold Crucible” induction fusion system for tungsten carbide. The carbide grains obtained, called Spherotene – for Spherical and Tungsten, have exceptional hardness of up to 3000/4000HV and are used in most of the products offered by Technogenia.

1987-1988 : Launch of the Technosphere® product line and the Technocasting® process: three patents are filed.

1990 : Début de l’étude du dépôt de carbure par laser de puissance ( aide de l’ANVAR PTR et du CRITT Surface de Grenoble).Beginning of research on carbide deposit using laser technology (assistance from ANVAR PTR (the French Agency for Innovation’s Technological Service Network) and CRITT Surface (Regional Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer – Surfaces) in Grenoble).

1992 : MRT (research and technology mission) study for developing a special powder spray nozzle, with the Calfetmat laboratory and the Irepa-Laser laboratory in Strasbourg.
Technogenia’s research efforts are awarded the National Innovation Trophy by the INPI (French National Institute of Industrial Property). Research on laser coating

1993 : Installation of a 5kW CO2 laser, start of the industrial phase.

2000 : Research on diode lasers: European Craft Project No. 1.

2000-2002 : Licenses for the Lasercarb® process granted in the USA.

2003 : Creation of “Laser Cladding Technology”, in Great Britain; implementation of a new diode laser.

2004 : Research on special deposits: carbide and diamond deposits using laser technology, European Craft Project No. 2.

2005-2006 : Purchase and installation of a new diode laser for the Saint-Jorioz site.

2007 : The management decided to set up a production facility in Houston, Texas

2010 : Creation of Technogenia Lasercarb Oklahoma, based in Oklahoma City

2017 : Creation of an additional Lasercarb center in Middle East : Technogenia Middle East in

2019 : Acquisition of Carbure du Chéran (France) sintered tungsten carbide manufacturer.

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