
Just as tunnel boring machines (TBMs) are adapted to suit each tunnel (e.g. tunnel diameter, radius of curvature, support thickness, slope, type of rock, etc.), Technogenia adapts to the level of wear encountered on each of your projects.

Using Technosphere®, tungsten carbide welding rope, it is possible to provide interchangeable protection for material conveyor screws and extraction screws, located behind the shield or cutting wheel.

Depending on the terrain, the level of wear can be very high. Technogenia therefore provides reinforcement for extractor screws, using Technosphere® or Lasercarb® on the removable plates. This tried and tested solution makes it possible to reduce the initial rate of wear by a factor of up to 20. This technique, which has been validated by major TBM manufacturers and users, also offers the advantage of enabling the plates fixed to the screws to be repaired.

Technogenia can also use Technosphere® to build up casings, as well as for numerous other applications, including TBM shield friction pads, while its Lasercarb® technology can be used to build up carbide inserts on cutting heads, mounting yokes, hammer-type cutting tools, cones and rotors.

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